1) the dog is in the __________ a) restaurant b) school c) police station d) park 2) the pen is on the __________ a) b) c) d) backpack 3) the store is next to the __________ a) restaurant b) school c) police station d) park 4) the truck is going to the __________ a) restaurant b) school c) police station d) toy store 5) the school is________ the hospital. a) next to b) in c) in front of d) under 6) the park is________ the store. a) next to b) in c) behind d) under 7) the supermarket is in front of the________. a) hospital b) fire station c) store d) school 8) Where is the school? a) It is next to the supermarket b) It is next to the fire station c) It is next to the store. d) It is next to the park. 9) Where is the supermarket? It is in front of the____________ a) It is in front of the school b) It is in front of the fire station c) It is in front of the store. d) It is in front of the park. 10) Where is the park? It is behind the____________ a) It is behind the school b) It is behind the fire station c) It is behind the store. d) It is behind the school.

M2-2105 U8 review





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