1) I watched _______ yesterday. I was scared. a) Adventure film b) Comedy c) Cartoon d) Horror e) Scienice fiction f) Quiz show 2) Last week I watched _______. I liked the music. a) Drama b) Musical c) Soap opera d) Comedy e) Documentary f) Cartoon 3) I like to watch _______, because I love to see how people imagine the future. a) Adventure films b) Talent shows c) Quiz shows d) News e) Drama f) Science fiction 4) I love watching _______ very much, because I like to see what people can do. a) Comedies b) Dramas c) Talent shows d) Musicals e) News f) Horrors 5) I watch _______ everyday, because I want to know what happens around the world or in my country. a) Quiz show b) Soap opera c) Horror d) Drama e) News f) Cartoon





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