1) Richard climbed the _______________ up Taipei 101. a) higher b) more high c) most high d) highest 2) Jenny pets the dog _______________ than her brother. a) hardest b) more hard c) most hard d) harder 3) I can do my math homework __________________ than my sister. a) most easily b) more easily c) easilier d) easiliest 4) He pets the cat _____________ than her brother. a) gently b) gentliest c) gentlier d) more gently e) the most gently 5) Usain Bolt is the ________________ runner in the world. a) more fast b) most fast c) fastest d) faster 6) Teacher Tricia always arrives the _______________ of all the other teachers. a) earliest b) most early c) earlier d) more early 7) John walks the __________________ on the tightrope of all the other acrobats. a) carefulliest b) most carefully c) more carefully d) carefuller 8) Teacher Emilia arrived ________________ than Teacher Joyce this morning. a) more late b) latest c) later d) most late 9) Jack kicked the ball the ____________. a) most hard b) harder c) more harder d) hardest e) hardier 10) The little dog climbed ______________ than the mouse. a) more higher b) highest c) higher d) the most high 11) She draws the mountain ___________________ than Kevin's. a) the most perfectly b) perfecter c) perfectlier d) more perfectly 12) The soldier stands _____________________ than the queen. a) more rigidly b) most rigidly c) rigidlier d) rigidliest 13) I can write the _______________ of everyone in my class. a) easily b) easilier c) most easily d) more easily e) easiliest 14) Carina arrived _____________ than her classmate, Mac. a) earlier b) more early c) earliest d) the most early e) more earlier 15) The man runs ___________ than the cheetah! a) more fast b) faster c) fastliest d) fastest e) more faster 16) Yarley arrives the __________ of his class. a) later b) more late c) latest d) most late e) late 17) The ballerina dances the ______________ of everyone in the theater. a) perfectly b) perfectlier c) more perfectly d) most perfectly e) perfectliest 18) The dog points at the bush the _____________ of all the other dogs. a) most rigidly b) more rigidly c) rigidlier d) rigidliest e) rigidly 19) Dora held her dog ______________ than Payton did. a) the most carefully b) carefullier c) carefulliest d) carefully e) more carefully

Comparative (2 actions) and Superlative (3 actions) adverbs





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