STICK UP FOR SOMEONE: to defend someone from criticism or attack, When I heard a few people at work bad-mouthing Owen, I had to stick up for him, CATCH UP (with someone): to share recent info about each other's lives, I’d love to see you soon and catch up! I want to hear all about your new job, TURN TO SOMEONE: to ask for help or advice, When I ran out of money for my school, I turned to my dad for a small loan, GET TOGETHER: to meet socially, It’s been too long! Let’s get together this weekend, TO HIT IT OFF: to have a great relation since the very beginning, I’m sure our kids will really hit it off! They both love skateboarding and The Lord of the Rings., THROUGH THICK AND THIN: to be there for someone in all circustances, good AND bad, Thank you for always being there for me, through thick and thin,

Friendship Expressions in English (Phrasal verbs)- WARM UP





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