1) It's the period of time when Porfirio Díaz was in the Presidency a) El porfiriato b) Benito Juarez 2) The first railroad inaugurated from Mexico City to Veracruz in a) 1890 b) 1873 3) The period of time when some banks were founded, the Government's finances were organized, taxes were regulated and the country's debts were paid... a) Prosperity during Porfiriato b) democracy 4) Sebastian Lerdo de Tejada became the President of Mexico when Benito Juarez died in the year... a) 1992 b) 1872 5) Lerdo de Tejada was agains the idea that the President could be reelected a) true b) false 6) Porfirio Diaz became president of Mexico in the year a) 1876 b) 1872 7) They knew the country needed an impulse to its economy and agriculture, to increase industry, to build railroads and populate uninhabitated lands and did something about it a) Franciso I Madero b) Benito Juarez and Lerdo de Tejada 8) The person who rents lands, a building or an apartment to a tenant a) landord b) historian 9) the person who is the legal property of another and is forced to obey is a ... a) slave b) landlord 10) An expert in or a student of history is called... a) Grammarian b) Historian 11) to put down by force is the meaning of ... a) reelection b) repression 12) The state of being elected again is ... a) reelection b) repression 13) The Mexican Revolution lasted ... a) 17 days b) 17 years 14) Francisco I. Madero called the people to take up arms for freedom of the Porfiriato a) true b) false 15) the new Constitution was promulgated after the Revolution on February 5th, 1917. a) true b) false 16) The Mexican Revolution begin on November 20th, 1910 a) true b) false 17) The Porfiriato lasted a) 19 months b) 19 years 18) a person that sacrifices something of great value and especially life itself is called a ... a) politician b) martir 19) During the 10 days period called "Decena Trágica" there were numerous battles in the city, many civilians died and many buildings were damaged a) true b) false 20) The actions or activities concerned with achieving and using power in a country or society is ... a) indignant b) politics 21) Governed by people, rule by majority is .... a) democracy b) revolution





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