1) My son went to the supermarket but he hasn't come back............................... a) yet b) just c) already 2) Leonard has ...........................made his bed. a) still b) yet c) already 3) That man has...................came late again. His boss is very angry with him. a) yet b) since c) just 4) Have they visited London ............? No, they haven't. a) yet b) still c) just 5) The woman hasn't sold her car....................... a) yet b) already c) just 6) I have ............................mailed the letters. a) still b) already c) yet 7) My mom ............... bought a new dress for the party. a) have b) has c) 've 8) The doctors have ............. many children in this country. a) save b) saving c) saved 9) Tomy ........... ........... yet. a) haven't arrived b) hasn't arrived c) hasn't arriving 10) Has Alice studied for the test? a) Yes, I have. b) Yes, she hasn't. c) Yes, she has.

Present perfect tense and just, already,yet.





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