1) These are pieces of furniture and other items that are valuable because they are very old there are stalls selling antiques in the market | every room in the palace was full of antiques a) Prayer b) Antique c) Communist d) Underground 2) It is a sound or announcement that is intended to tell people that they need to do something. Collocates: a call to something | a call for someone to do something  a) Call b) Restore c) District d) decorated 3) it is the political system that controlled Russia from 1917 and a lot of Eastern Europe from 1945 until 1991. the collapse of communism in 1991 | under communism, there was no private property (everything belonged to the state) | she became a communist during the war | he was suspected of being a communist a) District b) Ride c) Communist d) Antique 4) it has been made to look beautiful by being painted or by having pretty things added to it. the church was beautifully decorated | a handsomely decorated theatre a) Mosque b) District c) decorated d) Prayer 5) you find something that you did not know about before a) Call b) Palace c) Discover d) Underground 6) it is a particular part of a city or town. the main housing district of the city | the shop is in the old Jewish district | the financial district (where there are lots of banks and offices) | the main shopping district | one of the poorer districts of the city a) District b) Palace c) Communist d) Prayer 7) if you are a fan of something, you like it very much. I’m not a great fan of old buildings | I’m a huge fan of all her books | football fans a) Communist b) Restore c) Fan d) Prayer 8) it is a religious building where Muslims go to pray a) Palace b) Ruins c) District d) Mosque 9) it is a large building, especially one where a king, queen, or president lives a) Palace b) Discover c) Ride d) Prayer 10) it is the act of speaking to God.  we heard the call to prayer coming from the mosque | say a prayer | attend daily prayers | she said her prayers every night before going to bed a) Prayer b) Fan c) Stall d) Ride 11) you repair something so that it is as good as it was when it was new. they’ve been restoring the old palace for years | they restored the old mosque to its original condition | the church has been beautifully restored | we must restore peace to the country after the war a) Restore b) District c) Call d) Ride 12) in a theme park, they are the machines which move around and which you can go on for fun a) Ruins b) Fan c) Communist d) Ride 13) these are the parts of an old building that are still left after most of the building has been destroyed a) Communist b) Mosque c) Ruins d) Stall 14) it is a table outside, for example in a market, where people sell things. A person who sells things there is called a stallholder a) Restore b) Stall c) Call d) Ruins 15) it is used to describe things that are under the surface of the earth a) Underground b) Prayer c) decorated d) Stall





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