The Job of the Historian: Find and preserve artefacts from the past, Carrying out surveys, Digging test trenches, Record the position of each artefact found in a archaeological site, Use brushes to remove soil delicately from any objects found, Catalog the details of each artefact found on computers and the excavations site book. , Carefully package artefacts that are found into labelled bags and sent them to a laboratory for tests, How the Archaeologist uses Evidence: Radio-Carbon dating is used to measure how old (humans, animals or plants) are, Geographical Surveying can be used to give an x-ray of the ground. , Pollen Analysis is used to study what was growing at a site during a particular time period. , The method of Stratigraphy is used to date artefacts and evidence by how deep in the ground they are, Dendrochronology is used to find out how old trees are, (counting the rings inside the tree), DNA testing can tell us about the origins and ethnicity of a person,

Chapter 2: Archaeology





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