1) What country is ____ Lake Victoria in? 2) Who was ____ second person to walk on ____ moon? 3) How many strings does ____ bass guitar have? 4) In which ocean can you find ____ Seychelles? 5) What's ____ highest mountain in ____ Alps? 6) What is ____ 50% of 50? 7) What colour are ____ baby's eyes at birth? 8) Which bird is ____ symbol of ____ USA? 9) What letter is on ____ right of ____ 'O' on a keyboard? 10) Which animals were domesticated first: ____ cats or ____ dogs? 11) Which planet in our solar system is furthest from ____ Sun? 12) Who are more numerous in the world: ____ men or ____ women? 13) How many countries are there in ____ UK? 14) What type of fruit is ____ Granny Smith? 15) How many players can be on court in ____ basketball team? 16) What is ____ first sign of ____ zodiac? 17) Which nation first gave _____ women ____ right to vote? 18) What was ____name of ____ first man to be sent into space? 19) Which European country hasn't fought in ____ war since ____ 1815? 20) What is ____ largest man-made structure on Earth? 21) What vegetable is ____ vodka often made from? 22) Is ____ spider ____insect? 23) What colour is ____ black box flight recorder on ____ plane? 24) What country does ____ Volga river flow through? 25) Which travels faster: ____ light ot ____ sound?

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