What is your favourite season? Justify, Do you have any pets? Talk about them / Would you like to have a pet? Explain. , What is your favourite sport? Justify, What country would you like to visit? Explain, What is your favourite movie or TV series? Present it briefly, What did you do this summer? (where? when? who with? what? for how long?...), What would you like to be when you grow up? , What is your favourite game (video game, board game or card game)? Justify! , What is your favourite school subject? Justify, What superpower would you like to have? Why?, What do you like doing in your free time? (3 activities), Do you like your new school? Justify, Do you like English? Why (not)?, Have you ever been abroad? Explain., How many people do you live with? Tell the class about them, What is your least favourite school subject? Justify, What is your favourite social media? , Do you like sweets?, Do you like lollipops? , Do you like sweets?, Do you like lollipops? , Have you got a best friend? Talk about him/her, What would you like to get on your next birthday? Explain. , Talk about something new you would like to try (sport, food, activity, clothes...), Have you ever been to an English-speaking country? , What are you going to do this week-end? (3 things).

WARM UP 3ème





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