1) Yesterday, I ________ a glass of milk. a) drank b) drinked c) drunk d) drink 2) Last Saturday I ___________ a burger. a) ate b) eated c) ated d) eat 3) I ______ to the cinema last weekend. a) goed b) went c) go d) wend 4) I ______ my friends in the park two days ago. a) met b) meet c) meeted d) med 5) I _______ a photo of my mum and dad last week a) took b) taked c) tooked d) take 6) I ______ my homework before my lesson. a) do b) doed c) did d) done 7) I _______ my breakfast this morning a) maned b) maked c) make d) made 8) I ________ a great present for my birthday! a) get b) getted c) gotten d) got 9) On holiday, I ________ in the see. a) swim b) swam c) swimmed d) swum 10) I ______ by the seaside last holiday. a) were b) be c) am d) was

Past simple (irregular)





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