1) Who was the last Anglo-Saxon King? a) Canute b) Edward the Confessor c) Harold II d) Harold Harefoot e) Harthacanute f) Aethelstan 2) What was the name of the Anglo Saxon army? a) Fyrd b) Ford c) Fird d) Fyred e) Fryd f) Fyord 3) Who defeated the Vikings in the 9th century? a) King Arthur b) King Alfred c) King Aethelstan d) King William e) King Canute f) King Edgar 4) What were the fortified towns known as? a) Buroughs b) Burgo c) Burhs d) Castles 5) What was the name of the king to first call himself 'rex totius britanniae' on his coins? a) Aethelred b) Edgar c) Alfred d) Aethelstan e) Edward the Confessor f) William the Conqueror 6) How many Anglo-Saxon kingdoms were there by the 9th century? a) One b) Three c) Four d) Five e) Six f) Seven 7) When did the Vikings first arrive in Britian? a) 693 b) 793 c) 893 d) 993 8) What was the name of the king who paid the Danegeld? a) Alfred the Great b) Aethelstan c) Aethelred d) Svein Forkbeard e) Canute f) Harold Harefoot 9) Who was the first Danish king of England? a) Harold Harefoot b) Svein Forkbeard c) Canute d) Harthacanute e) Harald Hardrada 10) What is the meaning of the Anglo-Saxon 'Ald'? a) Old b) Bald c) Forest d) Valley 11) What is the meaning of the Anglo-Saxon place name 'Ham'? a) Farming settlement b) Pig farm c) Wood d) Homestead e) River f) Stream 12) What is the meaning of the Anglo-Saxon place name 'Burn'. a) Fire b) Wagon c) Wooded hill d) Fortification e) River f) Stream





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