1) What´s the past participle of SEE? a) seed b) saw c) seen 2) What´s the past participle of TAKE? a) took b) taken c) taked 3) What´s the past participle of SWIM? a) swimming b) swum c) swam 4) What´s the past participle of TRAVEL? a) travelled b) travelling c) travel 5) What´s the past participle of EAT? a) eaten b) ate c) eating 6) What´s the past participle of HAVE? a) having b) haved c) had 7) What´s the past participle of DRINK? a) drunk b) drinked c) drank 8) What´s the past participle of FLY? a) flown b) flew c) flying 9) What´s the past participle of WRITE? a) wrote b) written c) writen 10) What´s the past participle of PLAY? a) plaied b) played c) play 11) What´s the past participle of SPEAK? a) spoken b) speaked c) spoke 12) What´s the past participle of GIVE? a) gave b) gived c) given 13) What´s the past participle of BREAK? a) broken b) broke c) breaken 14) What´s the past participle of MEET? a) meeting b) met c) meeted 15) What´s the past participle of WIN? a) won b) winned c) winning 16) What´s the past participle of BUY? a) boutgh b) bougth c) bought 17) What´s the past participle of KNOW? a) knew b) knowing c) known 18) What´s the past participle of STUDY? a) studied b) studying c) studing 19) What´s the past participle of FORGET? a) forgot b) forgotten c) forgetting 20) What´s the past participle of DANCE? a) dancing b) dance c) danced 21) What´s the past participle of RUN? a) runned b) ran c) run 22) What´s the past participle of SING? a) sang b) sung c) singing 23) What´s the past participle of FIND? a) found b) finded c) founded 24) What´s the past participle of WEAR? a) wore b) worn c) wearing 25) What´s the past participle of FALL? a) falling b) fell c) fallen 26) What´s the past participle of MAKE? a) making b) made c) maked 27) What´s the past participle of BE? a) was b) were c) been 28) What´s the past participle of COME? a) come b) came c) comming 29) What´s the past participle of SLEEP? a) sleeping b) slept c) sleeped 30) What´s the past participle of DO? a) did b) done c) doing





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