1) going round in circles a) continue talking about the same idea without moving on b) bringing irrelevant ideas to the discussion 2) losing your thread a) explaining something excessively b) bringing irrelevant ideas to the discussion c) avoid talking about the central issue because you don't know enough about it or because you think it's impolite 3) stumbling over your words a) making mistakes, hesitation, repetitions, mispronunciation b) bringing irrelevant ideas to the discussion c) avoid talking about the central issue because you don't know enough about it or because you think it's impolite 4) labouring the point a) explaining something excesively b) talking about the same idea without moving on c) avoid talking about the central issue d) speaking so quiclky that you cannot be understood 5) beating about the bush a) avoid talking about the central issue because you don't know enough or because it's impolite b) speaking so quickly that you cannot be understood 6) talking at a mile a minute a) making mistakes while speaking b) bringing irrelevant ideas to the discussion c) speaking so quickly that you cannot be understood

Idioms - IELTS





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