1) There is my ... a) watches b) watch c) watchs 2) In the classroom, there are four ... a) chair b) chaires c) chairs 3) There is beautiful ... a) house b) houses c) homes 4) My .... is blue. a) bags b) bages c) bag 5) These ... are so nice. a) woman b) women c) womens 6) There are twelfe ... a) box b) boxs c) boxes 7) My dad has three ... a) watches b) watchs c) watch 8) There are fifteen ... a) mens b) people c) persons 9) In the classroom, there are eight... a) children b) childrens c) childs 10) My mummy has 3 ... a) baby b) babys c) babies 11) It's an ... a) umbrella b) umbrellas c) umbrells 12) On the table, there are 5 ... a) glass b) glasses c) glasss

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