1) "I'm selling all my books today." My brother said... a) he was selling all my books the day before. b) he was selling all his books that day.  c) he is selling all his books today. d) I was selling all my books the day before.  2) "I've booked the flights." Emma told me... a) she had booked the flights. b) she has booked the flights. c) she had booking the flights. d) I have booked the flights. 3) "Your new dress doesn't suit you." My mother told me... a) my new dress doesn't suit me. b) her new dress didn't suit her.  c) my new dress didn't suit me. d) my new dress wasn't suit me. 4) "I may not be able to go to the party." Matt said he might not... a) was able to go to the party. b) was able to went to the party.  c) be able to go to the party.  d) be able to went to the party.  5) “Shall I make some tea?” Nicky asked... a) if she should make some tea. b) should she make some tea. c) if I should make some tea. d) if she shall made some tea. 6) "Please take the dog for a walk tomorrow." Dad asked me... a) to please take the dog for a walk next day. b) to take the dog for a walk next day. c) took the dog for a walk the next day. d) to take the dog for a walk the next day. 7) "When did you get up?" He asked... a) when I did get up. b) when I had got up. c) when had I got up. d) when I got up. 8) "Put your hands up." The policeman told the robbers... a) to put their hands up. b) if they put their hands up. c) to putted their hands up. d) if they had put their hands up. 9) “I’m never going to have a pet.” My sister always said... a) she was never going to have a pet. b) she was going to have a pet. c) I am never going to have a pet. d) she is never going to have a pet. 10) "What time will you be home?" Mum asked... a) if I'd be home. b) what time would I be home. c) what time I'd be home. d) what time I'd been home. 11) "Can you play the guitar?" Sarah asked... a) could I played the guitar. b) if could I play the guitar. c) if I could played the guitar. d) if I could play the guitar. 12) "Don't make so much noise." The librarian told the children... a) if they didn't make so much noise. b) to not made so much noise. c) not to have made so much noise. d) not to make so much noise. 13) "I found this note yesterday." Sophie said... a) she had founded the note the day before. b) she had found the note the previous day. c) she founded the note the previous day. d) if she had found the note the day before. 14) "You should spend more time studying." The teacher said you... a) should spend more time studying. b) should spent more time studying. c) should have spent more time studying.  d) shall spend more time studying.





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