narrow-minded - not willing to listen to the ideas and opinions of others, bigoted - having strong, unreasonable beliefs and disliking other people who have different beliefs or a different way of life, broad-minded - willing to accept many different types of behaviour, beliefs, or choices in other people, open-minded - willing to consider new or different ideas, absent-minded - forgetful, single-minded - thinking in a concentrated way about sth and determined to achieve it., let-down - a disappointment., to drop out (of sth) - leave school, college, a course, etc. without finishing your studies., turnout - the number of people who attend an event, shake-up - large changes made in an organization to improve it., to break down - stop working, breakdown, a breakdown - a failure to work or be successful, to turn out - to happen in a particular way or to have a particular result, especially an unexpected one, a dropout - a person who leaves school, college, or university before completing a qualification, or a person who lives in an unusual way, to shake sth up - to cause large changes in something such as an organization, usually in order to make improvements, to hold sth/sb up - delay sth/sb, a holdup - a delay, a tailback - a long line of traffic, moving very slowly, a write-off - a vehicle that is so badly damaged that it is not worth repairing, to write sth off - to damage a vehicle so badly that it cannot be repaired, a break-up - the ending of a relationship or association, to break up - end relationship, a setback - a problem that delays or prevent progress, or makes a situation worse for sb, to set sb/sth back - to delay an event, process, or person, to break out - start, an outbreak - a time when something suddenly begins, to lay out - spend, outlay - an amount of money spent for a particular purpose, especially as a first investment in something,





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