A: Is it OK if I go to London with my friends at the weekend, Mum?B : You ____ go if you want to, but you ____ phone me when you get there. A: Are you sure it's OK to come in here? B: Well, we really ____ be here, but I ____ just show you this. A: Could I borrow an atlas? B: Well, you certainly ____ have a look at it here, but you ____ take it home with you, I'm afraid. A: Do I have to write the date on this piece of work? B: No, you ____ write the date, but you ____ remember to put your name. A: Could I take the dog for a walk? B: Yes, of course you ____, but I think you ____ wear your boots, don't you? It's very wet outside. A: My parents won't let me go and see that film . B: Well, if you ____ see it now, you ____ try and see it when you're older.





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