Smoking _____ (kill) millions of people every year. - Smoking kills millions of people every year., Someone ______ (follow) us. - Someone is following us., This book _____ (write) by Jane Austin. - This book was written by Jane Austin., A new jet plane _____ (design) by Airbus. - A new jet plane will be designed by Airbus., I _____ (tell) by my boss not to come in today. - I was told by my boss not to come in today., We _____ (record) a new program now. - We are recording a new program now., People _____ (not use) credit cards much 30 years ago. - People didn’t use credit cards much 30 years ago., The Chinese _____ (invent) gunpowder. - The Chinese invented gunpowder., They _____ (ask) you many questions at the job interview. - They will ask you many questions at the job interview., They _____ (not admit) anybody to hospital after the accident. - They didn’t admit anybody to hospital after the accident.,

Passive voice/active voice 1






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