Midwife - a person who is trained to assist women during childbirth., Apprentice - someone who works for somebody else to learn that person's skill or trade., Protagonist - the leading character in a literary work., Antagonist - a character who works against the hero of a story., Conflict - strong disagreement or bad feeling between people., Idioms - a phrase that cannot be understood by understanding the meanings of each of its words., Taunt - to make fun of, tease, or challenge using mean language, Tormented - to annoy, tease, or cause to feel worry., Contented - satisfied with things as they are; content., Wretched - unhappy; miserable., Desolate - very lonely or without hope., Be- (prefix) - a prefix that means "to cause to be.", Bedeviled - to annoy or harass devilishly; torment., Begrudge - to feel envious and disapproving of (someone) having or being given (something)., Befouled  - to make foul; defile.,

Midwife's Apprentice Vocabulary





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