1) What is a museum? a) Where old cars are kept while they are waiting to be fixed. b) A building where you can see dinosaur bones and other rare and important things. c) A park covered with tents. d) A big building full of people. 2) What is a paleontologist? a) People who paint fossils for museums. b) A scientist who finds and studies fossils. c) Fossils. d) Part of a living thing that has been saved in stone. 3) What is a fossil? a) Pieces of rocks. b) Scientists that study old dinosaur parts. c) Part of a living thing that has been saved in stone. d) Leftovers from Thanksgiving dinner. 4) Which happened first? a) Paleontologists find the dinosaur bones. b) The bones are cleaned. c) The bones are brought to the museum. d) The bones are put together. 5) TRUE or FALSE: Some dinosaurs had feathers like birds. a) True b) False 6) Which dinosaur had rows of tall plates running down its back. Its tail had four deadly spikes. a) Stegosaurus b) Tricerotops c) Pachycephalosaurus d) Diploducus 7) What were the biggest dinosaurs? a) Microraptor b) Long-necked sauropods. c) Velociraptor d) T-Rex 8) What were two things common among all dinosaurs? a) They had feathers and laid eggs. b) They had scales and laid eggs. c) They had s-shaped necks and scales. d) They had s-shaped necks and laid eggs. 9) Why isn't a woolly mammoth a dinosaur? a) It had fur, and did not lay eggs. b) It had tusks and four feet. c) It's babies were tiny. d) It's babies were huge.





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