1) Teacher Lemuel, a graduate of BSEd with Specialization in English teaches in a national high school in her province. Since he has been rated outstanding in his performance, can he be exempted from taking the LET? a) Yes, if approved by PRC. b) No, RA 7836 states that no person shall practice or offer to practice the teaching profession in the Philippines or be appointed as teacher to any position calling for a teaching position without having previously obtained a valid certificate and a valid license from the Commission. c) No, professional license is required of all teachers regardless of age and teaching performance. d) Yes, that is a privilege that must be given to teachers whose performance is outstanding. 2) Eye wink, waving of hands and nodding of head are examples of __________________. a) Verbal communication b) Body language c) Facial expression d) Gestures 3) In doing a research, which is needed to be more valid? a) Factual evidences b) Assumptions c) Hypothesis d) Conclusion 4) Which of the following would be the best choice if a teacher would like to focus on attitudinal change? a) Field study b) Simulation c) Dramatization d) Role play 5) In educating the whole person as demanded by the “Learning to be” pillar of the 21st century education, where does the concept of meaning, purpose and engagement belong? a) Spiritual values b) Aesthetic sense c) Mind and body d) Personal responsibility 6) If Dr. Jose Rizal lives in the 21stcentury, what character expression and commitment would have shown our generation? a) citizen and producer b) inventor of techniques c) creative dreamer d) member of family and community 7) How is Erikson’s epigenetic principle of unfolding of personality as it is applicable to learners best described by other experts? a) Like a journey b) Like a rose bud c) Like a growing tree d) Like casting stone on a pond 8) What practices help develop interpersonal sensitivity?I. Communicating with the stakeholdersII. Review of the contentIII. Openness to positive criticismIV. Objective analysis of public concerns a) I and II only b) I, II and IV c) I, II and III d) I, III and IV 9) Apart from a quantifiable data, what else can be used as basis for grading? a) Performance criterion b) Acceptance criterion c) Values criterion d) Criterion rubrics 10) What kind of curriculum is introduced to a learner centered learning environment? a) Indigenized b) Assessed and monitored c) Achievement oriented d) Competitive 11) Which is ethical for a teacher to do in a situation where he/she falls in love with a student or when a student falls in love with his/her teacher? a) The teacher exercises discretion to avoid scandal and gossip and preferential treatment of that learner. b) The teacher avoids that learner. c) The teacher advises the student to discontinue with his/her studies. d) The teacher resigns from his/her teaching job. 12) What is the right attitude of a modern teacher towards the varied philosophies in the human history of ideas? a) Adopt new philosophies and leave the old aside. b) Reject past philosophies for current philosophical thoughts. c) Adopt all philosophical systems as good. d) Adopt elements of philosophies that conform to the schools and country’s’ educational system. 13) This is the time the teacher actually spends in the classroom giving instruction by various means. a) Allocated time b) Teaching time c) Mandated time d) Academic learning time 14) If students are reading a Science text, which of the following techniques would be best for helping them activate their prior knowledge? a) Role play b) Story map c) KWL Chart d) Venn diagram 15) Which is NOT a basic consideration in selecting and evaluating the content of an educational technology tool? a) Does it match the content? b) Is there evidence of its effectiveness? c) Will it motivate and maintain interest? d) Can it be easily dismantled? 16) Mr. Sevilla requires his class to conduct research, write a research report and defend the same before a panel of experts. In which level/s of processing will the students be engaged?I. RetrievalII. ComprehensionIII. AnalysisIV. Knowledge utilization a) I, II, III and IV. b) I, III and IV c) II, III and IV d) III and IV 17) Teacher Ester wrote an objective, to interpret the meaning of a certain quotation. For content validity, which should she ask? a) What is the authentic meaning of the statement? b) Is her statement realistic? c) What is true about the statement? d) Do you believe to the statement? 18) What is the ultimate aim of classroom management? a) To secure conformity to rules with ease b) To make children realize that they cannot do everything they want c) To set up conditions that brings about effective teaching and learning d) To remove the physical conditions in the room that distracts children’s attention 19) This refers to the permanent record showing historical academic and co-curricular record of students. a) Form 138 b) School Form 2 c) Form 137 d) School Form 1 20) How does a novice learner acquire information? a) Selected information b) All of the information c) Meaningful information d) Important information 21) On which policy is RA 4670 known as the Magna Carta for Public School Teachers focused? a) Code of ethics for professional teachers b) Right to establish or join organizations c) To promote and improve the social and economic status of public school teachers d) Recruitment shall take place after training 22) What kind of classroom management is applied in the case of Teacher Lenny who attends to every situation as it comes, hoping to meet it as it comes without much foresight and preparation? a) Heading-on b) Reactive c) Reinforcing d) Proactive 23) What materials can be used when intended materials are not available? a) Audio-visual material b) Digital materials c) Supplementary materials d) Improvised materials 24) Mr. Torres will have a multimedia presentation in his Science class. Which of the following should he avoid? a) Present information through graphic organizers b) Consider technical quality. c) Apply different computer effects per slide. d) Use contrasting colors for text and background. 25) With school based management in mind, which does NOT belong? a) Schools as primary unit b) Empowered principals c) Central offices disconnected to schools for decentralization d) Stakeholders as a part 26) How can the efforts of four agencies (DepEd, CHED, PRC, CSC) be best achieved for the training and development of teachers? a) Sharing of resources b) Streamlining c) Synchronization d) Cost-reduction 27) A student got a numerical grade of 80. What is his descriptor for his level of proficiency? a) Fairly satisfactory b) Did not meet expectations c) Satisfactory d) Very satisfactory 28) Along Erickson’s psychosocial theory, which statement is one of autonomy in early childhood? a) As I do things I fell I made a mistake. b) I do things without worrying about them. c) I worry that my parents will find about them. d) I am apologetic about what I’ve done. 29) Which of the following question is best to ask to relate the lesson of water conservation to the lives of students? a) What is the meaning of water conservation? b) Which community observes water conservation? c) In what ways do people add to water wastage? d) How can you help conserve water? 30) How can you get a mean of 86 if the total grade of 4 subjects is 85? a) 85 b) 84 c) 83 d) 90 31) Which one can enhance the comparability of grades? a) Individual teachers giving weights to factors considered for ratings b) Allowing individual teachers to determine factors for rating c) Formulating tests that vary from one teacher to another d) Using a common conversion table for translating test scores into ratings 32) Of the following interventions, which is directly aimed at responding to the transitional gap between academic achievement and employment? a) voluntary accreditation of schools b) identification of centers of excellence c) deregulation of tuition fees d) school networking with business and industry 33) Good readers make use of effective reading strategies. Which are examples effective reading strategies? I. Predicting II. Inferring III. Summarizing IV. Visualizing a) I, III, IV b) II, III, IV . c) I, II, III, IV d) I, II, III 34) Which graphic organizer is most fit for sequencing? a) flow chart b) double cell diagram c) hierarchy diagram d) Venn diagram 35) Which of these does NOT belong to the external factors that affect reading point of reference? a) Financial reward b) Peers c) Parents d) Enjoyment of reading 36) Among mistaken goals in the Acceptance Approach to discipline, what happens when students defy adult by arguing, contradicting, teasing, temper tantrums, and low level hostile behavior? a) Revenge seeking b) Withdrawal c) Power seeking d) Attention getting 37) How will you make a child memorize the table of multiplication from the point of view of Pavlov? a) Model the recitation of the table of multiplication b) Make them understand the meaning of multiplication c) Call the child’s attention every time you recite the table for them d) Reward the child with a candy for every correct recitation 38) Teacher Moana is a constructive teacher who allows her students to use technology tools to build understanding rather than simply information. This level of technology integration is called __________. a) Entry b) Transformation c) Adaptation d) Infusion 39) Teacher Prince was assigned by her peer teacher to make a power point presentation to a large combined class for the research paper of the drug use menace in school. The setting patterned that was adopted effectively was ________________. a) Traditional pattern b) Horseshoe pattern c) Circular pattern d) Rectangular pattern 40) Which of the following is true of a case study? a) It requires data from other events b) It is always reliable and dependable c) It applies specifically to a population d) It is applicable to the universal population 41) These are sectarian values EXCEPT __________. a) Christian charity b) Buddhist peace c) Islamic truth d) Social justice 42) Teacher N teaches in a remote barrio. In order not to incur salary deduction, she does not file her leave of absence every time she gets absent. Anyway, she uses that amount, which is supposed to be deducted from her salary on account of her absence, to buy pencils and paper for the poor pupils in her class. Is Teacher N right? a) Yes, the amount is little compared to the millions of pesos stolen by corrupt government officials. b) Yes, the poor students are benefited. c) Yes, she is not the only one benefited by her actions. d) No, the end does not justify the means. 43) These are the criteria to reduce error in judging test content, sampling and procedures for tests except a) Usability b) Validity c) Predictability d) Reliability 44) Teacher Mara sees to it that her classroom is clean and orderly so her pupils will less likely disarrange seats and litter on the floor. On which thought is her action based? a) Behaviorism b) Reconstructivism c) Existentialism d) Progressivism 45) Who coined the term “scaffolding”? a) Bruner b) Piaget c) Vygotsky d) Pavlov 46) How is the so-called colonial mentality manifested? a) Xenocentrism b) Cultural relativism c) Ethnocentrism d) Cultural diversity 47) Which is the ability to know without being frustrated by ambiguous ideas? a) Intuition b) Tolerance c) Focus d) Shaping 48) I wasn’t satisfied with student Vernie’s answer and so I asked her to give more information. What did I do? a) Probing b) Asking non-directed questions c) Rephrasing d) Prompting 49) What kind of sources do critical thinkers rely on for attaining truth or resolving problems? a) credible b) biased c) vested interest d) opinioned 50) Which assessment tool will you use so that performance results can be highly measurable? a) Demonstration of skills b) Journal writing c) Test and Quizzes d) Essay requirement 51) Teacher Judy would like to create a presentation material for her lesson on the types of curriculum. To make her presentation effective, which of the following should she use? a) Communicative tool b) Productivity tool c) Informative tool d) Situating tool 52) Before being able to fully learn to live and work together under the pillar of the 21st century education, what must the learner attain for himself? a) attain an altruistic mind b) find peace within oneself c) become self-actualized d) love his fellowmen 53) This powerful European country supplied arms to Afghanistan rebels who were fighting a terrorist war in the Middle East. What was the principle of moral discernment applicable in this case? a) Principle of double effect b) Principle of lesser evil c) Principle of material cooperation d) Principle of moral cooperation 54) A student was raised by authoritative parents. What will be his attitude in school? a) Distant b) Quarrelsome c) Independent d) Inferior 55) Which of the following statements regarding professional teachers is the major difference in the professionalizing of teachers and teaching as embodied in PD 1006 and R.A.7836? a) Appointed on full time basis and on permanent status. b) Assigned at the elementary and secondary levels in both public and private schools c) Holder of valid professional certificate of registration d) Assigned at the tertiary level in both private and state colleges and universities 56) The use of MTB-MLE will enable each learner to develop all EXCEPT one. a) Learn the mother tongue and connect to the heritage. b) Learn English and connect to the world. c) Learn all languages to develop nationalism. d) Learn Filipino and connect to the country. 57) In introducing a new lesson, what is important to consider by way of lesson continuity. a) introduce new lesson b) have a pre-test for new lesson c) prepare new audio visuals d) relate new ideas to past lesson 58) Jayson wants to learn more English. Specifically, he wants to improve his listening skills. He has a CD player, a tape recorder and has internet access. If you are an English teacher, what will you suggest? I. CDs with English listening drills II. Tapes with English listening drills III. Internet website such as Go4English, English Language Listening Lab or Randall's listening Lab a) I and II b) I, II and III c) I or III d) II and III 59) When you wanted to genuinely clarify and point relative to an issue under a discussion in a meeting, what will you do as a teacher? a) Politely request for recognition to clarify your point. b) Discuss with seatmates to gain support c) Just keep quiet to avoid opposition d) Oppose the other position 60) “Moral example has a greater effect on pupils’ discipline than laws and codes of punishment” is an advice for teachers from ______________. a) Mohammed b) Confucius c) Mencius d) Lao Tzu 61) The Audio-visual resource center regularly provides the teacher a list of websites, apps, and instructional materials readily available in the city. This fulfills which functions of the center? a) Link community resources b) Center of resources c) Laboratory of learning d) Recreational reading center 62) Compared with evaluation which is subjective, testing students is more objective because it is based on? a) human judgment b) Homework c) quantifiable data d) class work 63) A quote from Erik Erikson: “Healthy children will not fear life is their elders have integrity enough not to fear death.” How did Dr. Jose Rizal best showed he did not fear death? a) His work as a propagandist in a foreign land b) His marriage to Josephine Bracken in his death cell c) His attempt to travel to Cuba as a volunteer doctor d) His Ultimo Adios and “morir est descanzar” (to die is to rest) 64) Identify the characteristic that can make assessment difficult to apply, and therefore should be avoided by teachers. a) Applying assessment contextually b) Provide interactive feedback on student performance c) Setting definite variables as in rubrics d) Discussing abstract concepts 65) For a school, which of the following is most significant in repairing shorelines with depleted coral reefs? a) Outreach by educating the villagers on protection of coral reefs b) Implement reporting system against dynamite fishermen c) Outreach by depositing rubber tires as artificial coral reefs d) Legislative lobby to disallow tourism in endangered shorelines 66) This is my questioning behavior: I ask the question; I pause for a while then call on a student. Which is this questioning practice? a) Asking non-directed question b) Involving as many as possible c) Asking for non-volunteers d) Directing a question 67) The Transparency International’s perception that the Philippines suffers a cultural malaise of corruption, what component of our character needs to be further developed along the Learning to Be Pillar of education in the 21stcentury? a) Ethical-spiritual component b) Intellectual-emotional component c) Familial-social component d) Physical-economic component 68) Which of the following is NOT a function of scientific research? a) To test hypothesis b) To Rely on Controlled methods c) To test assumptions d) To determine cause-and-effect 69) When Philosophy started, man thought logically inside his mind forgetting external physical reality, such that is believed “No one can step beside a river twice.” What of reasoning is this? a) Positivistic reasoning b) Metaphysical reasoning c) Deductive reasoning d) Inductive reasoning 70) "Do not cheat. Cheating does not pay. If you do, you cheat yourself." says the voiceless voice from within you. In the context of Freud's theory, which is at work? a) superego alone b) Id and ego interaction c) ego alone d) id alone 71) After the holidays, there was much chatter and sharing of stories in class. You are confronted with behavioral management. You have a well-planned lesson which you cannot start. What is the best strategy for the class to settle down so you can start the lesson? a) Give the class 10 minutes to share how they spent the holidays. b) Give a 10-item test to keep them quiet. c) Ask the students what their New Year's resolutions are. d) Give the students 10 minutes to write a paragraph on their New Year's resolution. 72) The spiral progression approach in teaching Math in the K to 12 curriculum means that you teach basic Math concepts from K to Grade 10 in increasing depth and breadth across the grades. This means that Math teaching is a) Integrated b) Inquiry-based c) Inclusive . d) Developmentally appropriate 73) What does "teachers are persons in authority" imply? a) Teachers cannot be charged. b) No person can assault a teacher. c) Teachers have immunity from arrest. d) Decisions made by teachers are deemed right. 74) Of the three aspects of learning, which is not mentioned as needed so that the individual learner in the 21st century can learn how to learn? a) Concentration b) Mathematical skills c) Ability to think d) Memory skills 75) What should the teacher require his students to do for finding out whether an aerial plant can live on land? a) Research on past similar experiments b) Retrieve answers from the internet c) Copy and paste literature about the experiment d) Observe the aerial plant’s survival after transferring to the soil 76) If a student passed all the subjects, he/she will be ___________________. a) moving on to the next grade level b) retained in the same grade level c) taking remedial classes d) transfer to other school 77) What classroom approach is applied when Teacher Zeny uses a variety of techniques (rewards, reinforcement, etc) to sustain interest and effective learning? a) Assertive approach b) Behavior modification approach c) Group management approach d) Business-academic approach 78) Which influenced the military training requirements among students in the secondary and tertiary levels? a) Greeks b) Chinese c) Orientals d) Romans 79) Teacher Diego have been tasked to prepare the curriculum for the year. He writes daily guide in implementing the curriculum. In this situation he is a/an __________. a) Innovator b) Planner c) Writer d) Implementor 80) The introduction of non-formal education in life with the Constitution provision on _____. a) acceptance, affection and achievement b) protection of teachers c) promoting the rights of all citizens to make quality education accessible to all d) affection, ability, attitudes 81) The professional role of teachers has changed from “the sage on the stage” to “guide from the side”. This implies that _______. a) Teachers stress on their role as teacher. b) Teachers must cling to their power to improve roles. c) Teachers must act more as facilitators of learning. d) Teachers must project an “Almighty-Omniscient” image. 82) Is it wise to orient our students and parents on our grading system? a) Yes, so that from the very start, students and their parents know how grades are derived. b) No, grades and how they are derived are highly confidential. c) Yes, but orientation must be only for our immediate customers, the students. d) No, this will court a lot of complaints later. 83) What research strategy is most appropriate to compare effectiveness of practice teaching in a laboratory class inside the University in a public school setting? a) Questionnaire b) Naturalistic observation c) Survey d) Experimentation 84) Of the following effects on learning, what is the effect of simulations that make students feel and sense experience in the classroom? a) Changing attitudes and feelings b) Providing experiences that otherwise might not have c) Motivating students d) Reinforcing learning 85) Mr. and Mrs. Gasat are very active and supportive parents in Don Antonio Elementary School. They are always present in school activities however at home, they neglect to follow up the study habits of their child, Vanessa, who happens to be failing in class. Which of the following statements describes the parents correctly? a) They are concerned with their child’s welfare. b) They have complied with their roles as parents. c) They are very supportive parents of the school. d) They failed to support their child’s academic development. 86) What is the special program given to the students who can’t read? a) Language program b) Phonic program c) Literary program d) Reading program 87) Teacher Vanessa believes that students need not know the intended learning outcome of her lesson. She proceeds to her learning activities at once without letting them know what they are supposed to learn for the day. Which principle of learning does Teacher Vanessa negate? a) Effective learning begins with the setting clear expectations and learning outcomes. b) Learning process is an active process. c) Learning is a cooperative and a collaborative process. d) Learning is the discovery of the personal meaning of ideas. 88) What was the main characteristic of education during the years of Hispanic colonization in the Philippines? a) Religion-oriented b) Adequate c) Secular d) Free 89) From global competence as defined by international educators, which is the most appropriate characteristic of globally competent individual? a) open-mindedness to new culture b) adaptability to new work environment c) familiarity with new culture d) foreign-language policy 90) Using the standardized test, a school can determine _____ in order to give final grades or certification. a) Long serious problem b) Degree of mastery c) End-of-school year achievement d) Remedial measures for improvement 91) Which of the following best defines a morally mature person? a) Knowledge and practice of universal moral values b) Unhampered exercise of one’s right c) Transmittal of one’s moral viewpoint d) Cultural values clarification 92) Teacher Rey shared this lesson objective/learning outcome with her students: “Before the period ends, all of you must be able to identify the topic sentence and supporting sentences of a given paragraph.” Teacher Rey drilled them on subject-verb agreement to ensure that they can write a good paragraph then gave a ten-sentence paragraph for the students to determine subject-verb agreement before the class period ended. Did Teacher Rey use the lesson objective/learning outcome as guide in the development of her lesson? a) No. b) Yes. c) Very much, because she made use of a ten-sentence paragraph for the end-of-the-period quiz d) A little, because subject-verb agreement is a must in paragraph writing 93) Which of the following is not among the major targets of the child-friendly school system (CFSS)? a) All grade six students pass the division, regional, and national tests b) All children 6-12 years old are enrolled in elementary schools c) All children complete their elementary education within six years d) All school children are friendly 94) Which of the current classroom practices is influenced by Skinner’s Operant Conditioning? a) Involuntary response to a stimulus b) Reinforcement of correct practices c) Progression of subordinate learning d) Connection between stimulus and response 95) Mr. de Leon starts a lesson in Social Studies by defining the term “migration”. After which, he explains that definition and goes on to give examples. Which teaching method did Mr. de Leon use? a) Inductive method b) Socratic method c) Deductive method d) Direct method 96) One of the following quotations does not conform to the Christian doctrine of Education for Humanitarianism. Which one is it? a) Whatever good things we do to our poor, helpless brothers, we do it for God. b) Not on bread alone is man to live but on every utterance that comes from mouth of God c) Do unto others as you would like others do unto you d) Love they neighbor as thyself 97) These are the remarkable features of Montessori schools EXCEPT __________. a) Hands-on learning b) Going out to field trips c) Tactile learning materials d) Restricted class movements 98) What two indicators promote purposive learning among the students? I. General knowledge of teaching method II. Recognition of specific learning needs III. Cultivation of good study habits IV. Tutorial of learning principles a) I and III b) III and IV c) I and II d) II and III 99) What is the process for Piaget done during our growing years, acquiring new experiences and ideas? a) Equilibrium b) Schematization c) Assimilation d) Accommodation 100) Which is an offshoot of the fourth pillar of learning, "learning to live together"? a) Schools show concern to what happens to children after they leave school. b) Schools celebrate United Nations Week. c) Schools teach care for the environment d) Schools teach respect for diversity.





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