1) CH1 - Mr Enfield is walking with... a) Mr Hyde b) Mr Utterson c) Dr Jekyll 2) CH 1: He sees a door. Describe the door a) neglected b) clean c) amazing 3) CH 1: He tells the story of the door. a) Mr Hyde trampled a dog. b) Mr Hyde trampled a girl. c) Mr Hyde trampled an old man. 4) CH 1: We see Mr Enfield in the next chapter. a) True b) False 5) Ch 2: Mr Utterson is concerned about the story. He goes home and finds... a) a letter b) a book c) a will 6) Ch 2: The will is odd. Jekyll says Mr Hyde will get his things if he dies or a) goes away temporarily b) disappears c) becomes unwell 7) Ch 2: Utterson stalks the door. He wants to speak with a) Enfield b) Lanyon c) Hyde 8) Ch 3: A policeman knocks on Utterson's door... a) There has been a robbery b) There has been a car crash c) There has been a murder

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Chapters 1-4





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