1) There are ... French words in English. a) some b) any 2) There are ... cars in my family. a) a few b) few c) a little 3) Let's go by bus. I've got ... money for taxi. a) a few b) a little c) little 4) I can't cay ... good idea for this situation. a) some b) any c) a lot of 5) How ... English words do you know? a) many b) much 6) How ... meat do you need for dinner? a) many b) much 7) ... words came from Latin language. a) Any b) Some 8) There are also ... words from Turkish. a) a little b) a few c) few 9) The UK don't eat ... fish. a) many b) much 10) ... people think that junk food is unhealthy. a) Much b) Few c) A lot of





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