Today Elaine wears a long red dress., My friends and I are often meeting on Saturdays., Why is Peter wearing a tie today?, What does your brother do in his free time?, My mum is not often listening to the radio., This week we’re learning about New Zealand in Geography., What do you want to do when you leave school?, Hey, what’s that song you listen to? It sounds great., My dad often get home from work late., I’m always wearing trainers to school., Our English teacher doesn’t give us homework on Fridays., I don’t play a musical instrument but I can sing., Leo doesn’t wants to get a tattoo., What you usually do at the weekend?, I’m reading a really interesting book at the moment., At the moment, my sister learns French., What you are learning in English this week?, My mum is watching her favourite soap opera at the moment., I can’t talk now. I’m eating my dinner..






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