1) 太好了! a) Is this your pencil? b) I like them. c) Nice! d) But they are so cool. 2) 這是你的鉛筆嗎? a) Is this your eraser? b) Is this your pencil? c) Nice! d) But they are so cool. 3) 不,它不是。 a) I like them. b) No, it's not. c) Let's take them to the lost and found. d) lost and found 4) 這是你的橡皮擦嗎? a) lost and found b) What happened? c) It's not your pencil. d) Is this your eraser? 5) 失物招領處 a) Is this your pencil? b) lost and found c) It's not youyr eraser. d) Nice! 6) 讓我們把它們拿去失物招領處吧。 a) Phew! It's just a dream. b) Let's take them to the lost and found. c) Is this your eraser? d) No, it's not. 7) 但是它們超酷的。 a) But they are so cool. b) Phew! It's just a dream. c) lost and found d) It's not your eraser. 8) 我喜歡它們。 a) It's not your eraser. b) Phew! It's just a dream. c) lost and found d) I like them. 9) 這不是你的鉛筆。 a) No, it's not. b) What happened? c) But they are so cool. d) It's not your pencil. 10) 這不是你的橡皮擦。 a) lost and found b) I like them. c) It's not your pencil. d) It's not your eraser. 11) 發生什麼事了? a) lost and found b) It's not your eraser. c) What happened? d) No, it's not. 12) 呼!還好只是一場夢。 a) Phew! It's just a dream. b) It's not your pencil. c) Let's take them to the lost and found. d) I like them.






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