Currency - The euro, the dollar, and the yen are examples of this, Waste (money) - Spend money in a way that doesn't give value, Regret - Wish you could change something that you did in the past, Withdraw - Take out (money from the bank), Cash machine (ATM) - A machine that dispenses banknotes, Borrow - Take money from somebody (intending to give it back later), Bargain - A good deal/something which is really good value for money, Mortgage - Money borrowed/a loan from the bank to buy a house, Current account - A bank account for everyday use, Cashless - Without banknotes or coins, Loan - Money borrowed, Savings account - A bank account for saving money, on which you earn interest, Dear - Expensive, Save - Put money away for future use instead of spending it, Lend - Give someone money (intending to give it back later), Owe - Have an obligation to pay money back to someone who lent it for you, Earn - To get money for work that you do, Lodge - Put money into a bank account,

Money vocabulary





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