•A girl walks into class late. •She gives a piece of paper to the teacher. •She’s missing a tooth. - She must have been to the dentist., •A man walks into work looking angry. •He’s holding a helmet. •His bike is broken. - He must have crashed his bike., •A woman walks into the room looking very excited. •She’s holding a ticket. •She says she’s going to quit her job. - She must have won the lottery., •A boy arrives home looking tired. •He has some interesting presents for his friends. •He has a lot of luggage. - He must have been on holiday., •A girl walks into the room looking happy. •She’s holding a letter. •She’s going to throw away her course book. - She must have passed her exam., •A man is uncomfortable and walking slowly. •He is holding his stomach. •He spent a lot of money at arestaurant. - He must have had a very big lunch., •A woman arrives home and is angry. •She asks to borrow her friend’sphone. •She calls her bank and the police. - She must have been robbed., •A man arrives at his house at night. •He looks in his pockets and his bag. •He goes back to work. - He must have left his keys at work., •A boy arrives home very early from school. •His teacher told him to go home. •He looks pale and he isn’t hungry. - He must have been sick.,

Guess what's happened. Past modals. B2






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