coronavirus - The name of the virus, two metres - The distance people should keep from each other, China - This is where Covid-19 started, cough - This is something you can do to clean your throat, fever - A high temperature, symptoms - Signs of a disease for example: coughing, chest pain, tiredness, a fever, asymptomatic - Someone who doesn't show any symptoms , mask - You wear this on your face to protect yourself and other people, social distancing - The practice of staying away from people, soap - This is what we should wash our hands with, lockdown - This is what happened in the country to stop the spread of the virus, Abu Dhabi - You need a Covid-19 test to travel to this emirate, sanitiser - You can put this on your hands after you wash them, gloves - You can wear these on your hands to avoid touching surfaces, respiratory - Another word for breathing problems,





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