1) I ________ a baby two years ago.  a) was b) were c) is d) am 2) Jason __________ a P2 student last year. a) was b) is c) are d) were 3) Cindy _________ happy yesterday. a) was b) were c) is d) are 4) We ________ excited yesterday. a) is b) are c) were d) was 5) Jason and Kitty _________ hard-working students. a) were b) was c) is d) are 6) It______(be not) sunny yesterday. a) was b) is not c) were not d) was not 7) Mary ______(be not )a baby two years ago. a) is not b) was not c) were not d) was 8) He___________(be not) naughty last month.. a) is not b) was not c) were not d) was 9) We _________(wash) our hands yesterday. a) wash b) washes c) washing d) washed 10) He _________(arrive) here ten hours ago. a) arrive b) arrives c) arriving d) arrived 11) We ________(dance) together last night. a) dance b) danced c) dancing d) dances 12) Mary _______(bake) the cake yesterday. a) bake b) baked c) bakes d) baking 13) He ______ (carry) a heavy box last Monday. a) carry b) carried c) carrying d) carries 14) Katy________(tidy) her room last Tuesday. a) tidy b) tidies c) tidied d) tidying 15) Katy________(tidy) her room last Tuesday. a) tidy b) tidies c) tidied d) tidying 16) The baby_______(cry) last night. a) cry b) cries c) cried d) crying 17) We_______(shop) at the supermarket last Sunday. a) shop b) shops c) shopped d) shopping 18) We _______(chat) with each other last night. a) chat b) chatting c) chatted d) chats 19) Mum_____(cut) the tomatoes yesterday. a) cut b) cuts c) cutting d) cuted 20) Stephen _______(read) the English comics yesterday. a) reading b) read c) reads d) readed 21) Arthur ______(put) the books on the desk. a) puts b) puted c) putting d) put 22) Dad______(buy) apples last Monday. a) buy b) buys c) buying d) bought 23) Miss Li_______(teach) English last Friday. a) teach b) teaches c) teaching d) taught

past tense





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