1) Which is the greatest number a) 5678 b) 9895 c) 654 d) 3467 2) Which is the smallest number a) 8905 b) 4567 c) 3456 d) 444 3) Ascending order means a) Small to big b) Big to small c) Small to very small d) Big to very big 4) Descending order means a) Small to big b) Big to small c) Small to very small d) Big to very big 5) Roman numeral L means a) 500 b) 400 c) 100 d) 50 6) Roman numeral D means a) 500 b) 100 c) 50 d) 10 7) 456 Round off to nearest tens   a) 400 b) 450 c) 460 d) 449 8) 3245 Round off to nearest hundreds a) 3000 b) 3300 c) 3100 d) 3200 9) Roman numeral for M a) 1000 b) 500 c) 100 d) 50 10) Roman numeral for C a) 50 b) 100 c) 500 d) 1000 11) 53552 Round off to nearest thousands a) 53550 b) 53500 c) 53000 d) 60000 12) Total means a) Division b) Multiplication c) Subtraction d) Addition 13) Remain means a) Division b) Multiplication c) Subtraction d) Addition 14) How many means a) Division b) Multiplication c) Subtraction d) Addition 15) Product means a) Division b) Multiplication c) Subtraction d) Addition

knowing our numbers





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