1) to gradually become adult a) GROW UP b) RAISE c) GROW 2) to increase in size a) RAISE b) GROW c) GROW UP 3) to take care of a person until he/she becomes an adult a) GROW b) GROW UP c) RAISE 4) a family unit that includes only a father, a mother and the children a) FAMILY b) NUCLEAR FAMILY c) EXTENDED FAMILY d) PATCHWORK FAMILY 5) the part of the family unit that includes members like aunts, uncles, grandparents, etc. a) EXTENDED FAMILY b) PATCHWORK FAMILY c) NUCLEAR FAMILY 6) A woman on the day of her wedding is called a ... a) GROOM b) SPOUSE c) MARRIAGE d) BRIDE 7) A man on the day of his wedding is called a ... a) SPOUSE b) GROOM c) BRIDE d) MARRIAGE 8) the celebration and ceremony in which two people get married a) WEDDING b) MARRIAGE c) BRIDE d) GROOM 9) a relationship between a husband and a wife that is legally accepted a) SPOUSE b) FRIENDSHIP c) MARRIAGE d) WEDDING 10) A person who lives after someone and is related to them, like children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, etc. is called a a) SPOUSE b) DESCENDANT c) SIBLING d) ANCESTOR 11) A person that is a relative and lived in the past is called an a) ANCESTOR b) SPOUSE c) SIBLING d) DESCENDANT 12) features like history, traditions, buildings that belong to a society a) WEALTH b) POSSESSION c) INHERITANCE d) HERITAGE 13) the money that somebody gets when a relative or friend dies a) POSSESSION b) INHERITANCE c) HERITAGE d) WEALTH 14) The general name for a husband or a wife is a ... a) BRIDE b) SIBLING c) GROOM d) SPOUSE 15) The general name for a brother or a sister is a ... a) SIBLING b) BRIDE c) SPOUSE d) DESCENDANT






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