1) Gli amici dei miei amici sono miei amici. a) My friend’s friend is my friend. b) My friends’ friends are my friends. c) My friends’s friends are friends. d) My friends are my friends’ friends. 2) I suoi amici hanno un gatto? a) Have his friends got a cat? b) Has got his friends a cat? c) His friends have got a cat? d) Have his friends a cat? 3) I loro nonni non sono a casa. a) There grandparents aren’t at home. b) Their parents aren’t at the house. c) Their grandparent’s aren’t in the house. d) Their grandparents aren’t at home. 4) I libri dei tuoi compagni non sono là. a) Your schoolmates’ books are not there. b) Your friends’ books are not there. c) Your books’ schoolmates aren’t there. d) They aren’t there. 5) C’è una foto sulla mensola? a) There is a photo on the shelves? b) Are there photos on the shelf? c) Is there a photo on the shelf? d) Is there the photo on the shelf? 6) Mia zia è la sorella di mia madre. a) My aunt’s my mother’s sister. b) My aunt is my sister’s mother. c) My sister’s my aunt’s mother. d) My aunt is my mum’s sister. 7) Lei è la figlia di quella donna. a) She’s this woman’s daughter. b) She is that woman’s daughter. c) She’s that daughter’s woman d) She is the daughter of that woman. 8) Il tuo astuccio e il suo libro sono sotto la sedia. a) Your book and her pencil case are under the chair. b) Your pencil case and our book are under the chair. c) Your pencil case and his book are on the chair. d) Your pencil case and her book are under the chair. 9) Io sono il nipote dei miei nonni. a) I am my grandparents’ nephew. b) I am grandparent’s nephew. c) I am my grandparents’ grandson. d) I’m my grandparents’s grandson. 10) Ha un indirizzo email? No. a) Has she got an email address? No, she hasn’t. b) Has he got a email address? No, he has. c) Has she got an email? No, she hasn’t got. d) He has got an enmail address? No.





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