Verdadero: Ana and Elsa's parents died in a ship, Iron man's and Thor's costumes are made of metal, Sponge Bob's and Patrick's clothes have a tiny size, Jatziri's and Ale's students live in Xochimilco, Spanish's and English's teachers love the kids, Daniela's and Rafa's comics cost 100 pesos, Saul's and Emiliano's lunch smells really tasty, Jatziri's and Ale's topics are different, Falso: Ana and Elsa's boyfriends are good-looking, Cancun's and Puerto Vallarta beaches are beautiful, Batman and Robin's city is Gotham, Nelson Mandela' ideals lasted many years, Karen's and Romina parents didn't give them candies, Lail and Jackeline Barbies are blonde,





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