Last month I was invited to lunch with my cousin and his new wife. I hadn't met her before, but my cousin had been ____ to everyone about her wonderful, warm and caring personality. Clearly she had completely ____ him off his feet. It didn't take long for me to see through this veneer. On arriving at lunch, she sat down at the table without so ____ as an acknowledgement of my presence. She ____ to continue her conversation with her husband as if I didn't exist, and then ____ at the young waitress for accidentally spilling some water on the table. I was eventually ____ worthy of her attention only when it came to paying the bill: I had offered to treat them to lunch to celebrate their recent "good news". She was evidently someone who could turn the charm on, but only when it ____ her purpose. In my opinion, ____ wonderful, warm and caring people do not blow hot and cold in their behavior to others ____ on what they believe they can get out of what someone can do for them.

C2 PT1 UOE- Pt 1: Reading People





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