1) Why is it important to know if a lesson’s objectives are reached? a) Because if the objectives have not been reached, the desired learning has not happened, and the lesson was not successful. b) Because this will identify the strongest students. 2) Why must we be able to observe something in order to measure it? a) Because you cannot measure qualitative data. b) Because if we cannot observe something, there is nothing to measure. 3) Which of these two learning objectives describes behavior that can be observed? a) Understand the importance of writing a lesson plan. b) Describe several advantages of writing a lesson plan. 4) Which of these two learning objectives describes behavior that can be observed? a) Know how and when to use the present progressive. b) Use the present progressive accurately in appropriate contexts. 5) Which of these two learning objectives describes behavior that can be observed? a) Explain ways this group has influenced the larger culture. b) Appreciate the influence this group has had on the larger culture. 6) Learning objectives need to describe observable behaviors so that they can be measured and assessed. That may be simple when there is one clear right answer, but how can we measure and assess more complex things, like for example an oral presentation or a written essay? a) These things cannot be measured or assessed. b) It is necessary to define a correct answer. c) We can use a rubric. d) The person evaluating must be an expert. 7) A good lesson plan will indicate how much time is needed for each activity in the lesson. a) True b) False 8) Sequencing should describe how you will transition between activities. Why is it important to have transitions between activities within a lesson? a) Transitions help students understand the connection between activities. b) Transitions are good for keeping students quiet. c) Without transitions, students do not consolidate their learning. d) Visual aids support learning objectives. 9) What does the term “differentiation” mean? a) Making sure that there is a variety of activities in every lesson. b) Understanding and appreciating one’s own and others’ cultures. c) A document that describes the best sequence of activities in order to achieve learning objectives. d) Adapting a lesson to address students’ different ways of learning and different levels of advancement. 10) Which of the following can help a teacher assess student learning? a) Students explain in their own words a concept presented in class b) A comprehension quiz c) Multiple-choice questions asked to the whole class: students indicate their choice by raising their hands (“Who thinks the correct answer is B?”) d) Students write on a piece of paper questions that they have about the day’s lesson e) Students discuss newly presented material in a whole-class discussion f) Students write answers on the board

Six elements of a good lesson plan





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