I am struggling making connections with my classmates. I'm a new student at school., I think we need to introduce school uniforms into our school. Lots of students wear clothes that are not acceptable., My best friend thinks I betrayed his trust. He doesn't think I can keep his secrets anymore., My parents always punish me for something that my little brother has done. I don’t feel like I should put the blame on my brother., I am too skinny., I am feeling stressed because of the peer pressure. My friends want me to start smoking., People in my school are gossiping about me. It is making me stressed., Social networks are taking its toll on my mental health concerning body image. What should I do?, I have to perform in a school play in a month. I think that another student could have done it a lot better than me., I am not sure I can fulfil the promise I made to my parents. I want to improve my grades and do my best to make this year the best one yet., I think one of my classmates suffers from bulimia. How can I help her?, My parents won’t let me put make-up when I go to school., My history teacher picks on me because of my piercing., I can’t sleep because of my neighbour who plays the cello until 1 a.m., My parents want me to go to law school but I’m interested in arts., A group of girls troll me on Facebook. I don’t know what to do., My sister always takes my clothes without asking me first., Yesterday I saw my best friend’s boyfriend kissing another girl. Should I tell her?, I think my parents read my text messages, but I can’t prove it., I got a bad mark in maths. I haven’t told my parents yet because I’m afraid they’ll ground me..

Speaking cards - Problems, problems!






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