1) .................... we read the results carefully, we will be more aware of the limitations in the study. a) Unless b) But for c) When 2) Lectures should be interesting; .................... students will not want to attend. a) otherwise b) if c) if not 3) .................... you include all the correct references, you will not be plagiarising. a) Provided that b) If in doubt c) Otherwise 4) Don't take this course .................... you are ready to study statistics. a) or b) if so c) unless 5) .................... you put more paper in the photocopier tray, you will not have any problems. a) Unless b) As long as c) Even if 6) .................... you apologize, he’ll never forgive you. a) But for b) Even if c) If 7) I’ll take my coat .................... it gets cooler later. a) if so b) if necessary c) in case 8) I hope Peter gets here soon. ...................., we’ll cancel the show. a) If not b) If necessary c) Or 9) We've installed an alarm link with the local police station .................... burglars want to break into. a) but for b) in case c) if necessary 10) I’d like a seat by the window .................... . a) otherwise b) provided c) if possible 11) .................... you take a taxi, you'll still miss your train. a) Unless b) Even if c) Otherwise 12) .................... your generosity, I would be in big trouble, a) But for b) Unless c) If possible 13) ...................., you can call Jake at home. a) If it weren't for b) If so c) If necessary

Conditionals 1 and 2





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