unicycle - a one-wheeled vehicle usually propelled by means of pedals., uniform - a special suit of clothing worn by all members of a particular group., unicorn - a mythical animal having the body of a horse and a single, long horn extending from its forehead., universal - for or affecting everyone or everything, unify - to bring together; unite., biceps - the large muscle at the front of the upper arm that bends the elbow., bilingual - written or spoken in two languages., binoculars - a device that uses lenses and mirrors to make objects look larger., bilateral - having two symmetrical, sides., biweekly - occurring or appearing every two weeks., trilogy - a group of three literary or musical works by one author or composer that are related in sequence, theme, or the like., tripod - a stand with three legs used to support a camera or telescope., triathlon - an athletic contest in which contestants participate in three continuous events, usually swimming, cycling, and running, timed as one race., triangle - a flat, closed figure that has three straight sides., tricycle  - a vehicle with three wheels ridden by pushing pedals with one's feet.,

uni, bi, tri Prefixes





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