Air mass - ​ A huge body of air that has similar t​emperature​, ​pressure​, and ​humidity​ throughout., Air pressure - ​ A force that is the result of the ​weight​ of a column of air ​pushing​ down on an area., Altitude - ​ Elevation ​above​ sea level., Atmosphere - ​ The mixture of ​gases​ that s​ urrounds​ Earth., Condensation - ​ The process by which a ​gas​, such as water vapor, changes to a ​liquid​, such as water., Density - ​ The amount of ​mass​ in a given space., Dew point - ​ The ​temperature​ at which condensation begins., Evaporation - ​ ​The process by which molecules at the surface of a ​liquid​, such as water, absorb enough energy to change into a ​gaseous​ state, such as water vapor., Front - ​ The area where air masses ​meet​ and do not ​mix​. Humidity:​ A measure of the amount of ​water​ ​vapor​ in the air., Hurricane - ​ A ​tropical​ storm that has winds of ​119​ kilometers per hour or higher; typically about 600 kilometers across., Mass - ​ A measure of how much matter is in an ​object​., Precipitation - ​ ​Forms when ​water​ such as rain, snow, sleet, or hail that ​falls​ from the sky reach Earth's surface., Thunderstorm - ​ ​a small, intense weather system that produces ​winds​, rain, ​thunder,​ and lightning., Wind - ​The horizontal ​movement ​of a​ir​from an area of high pressure to an area of lower pressure., Thermosphere - the fourth layer of the atmosphere; the temperature increases as the altitude increases, Mesosphere - the layer of atmosphere between the stratosphere and the thermosphere; the temperature decreases as the altitude increases, Stratosphere - the layer of the atmosphere that is above the troposphere; as the altitude increases, the temperature increases, Troposphere - the lowest layer of the atmosphere; as the altitude increases the temperature decreases, Ozone layer - the layer of atmosphere where ozone absorbs utraviolet solar radiation, Exosphere - Satellites orbit earth in this layer, space shuttles, aurora borealis, temperature increases with height, Ozone - This layer of O(3) protects living things from the sun's harmful radiation, Barometer - A tool that measures air pressure,





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