1) Che classe fai? 2) Ask the person sitting to your right what classes he/she has today. 3) Ask the person sitting to your left what is his/her favorite class and why 4) Come vai a scuola? 5) Ask the person sitting to your right what he/she has to do at school. 6) Ask the person sitting to your left what he/she does after school today. 7) Esci spesso con gli amici? 8) A scuola devo....... (continua...) 9) Dopo la scuola ........ (continua...) 10) Mi alleno a _________ (sport - how often?) 11) Ask the person next to you is he/she is good in History? 12) Ask the person to your left if he/she goes to school by bus? 13) Com'e' il Professore di matematica? 14) Sei bravo/a in inglese? 15) Ask the person sitting to your right if he/she often plays videogames. 16) Ask the person to your left if he/she likes to read, and why 17) Ask the person next to you is he/she plays an instrument and if he/she is good at it. 18) Ask the person to your right how is the math class? and why 19) Com' e' la lezione di italiano oggi? 20) Fai i compiti tutti i giorni? 21) Ascolti la musica? (answer using an adverb) 22) Vai in palestra? 23) A scuola, devi ascoltare il professore? 24) A scuola devi rispondere alle domande?

Domande e risposte sulla scuola





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