Shaul's surviving son - Ishboshet, Refused the king's order - Shaul's armbearer, Buried Shaul properly - People of Yavesh Gilad, David pretended to be loyal to - Achish the Gat KIng, Shaul asked her to speak to dead Shmuel - Sorceress, Rich and greedy man - Naval, Naval's wife - Avigayil, Caves where David hid - Ein Gedi, David asked him to protect his family - King of Moav, Killed all the Kohainim in Nov - Doeg haEdomi, Achimelech Hakoains only surviving son - Evyatar HaKohain, Gave David his Goliath sword - Achimelech HaKohain, helped David escape through a window - Michal bat Shaul, Gave David a message with arrows - Yonatan, One of Davids nephew   - Avishai, Shaul's army general - Avner ben Ner,

שמואל א פרקים י'ח-ל'א : מי אני





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