A: What’s ____ with the burglar alarm? B: I ____ to have forgotten the code to turn it off. A: Have you ____ pressing 1-2-3-4? B: I ____ it’ll help, but let’s see. A presses the buttons. B: No, that didn’t make any ____ . The alarm goes off. B: What are we supposed to do now? A: How should I ____ ? You ____’ve saved the code on your smartphone! A: What’s the ____ with your phone? B: I ____ I ____. I haven’t received any emails today. A: ____ there is a problem with the Internet connection. Did you remember to change the password to the WiFi? B: No, I forgot. A: Why don’t you check it now? B: It’s ____ a go, I ____ . B connects to the WiFi. B: Problem ____ ! I’ve just received a new email!

Focus 4 5.6 Functional language





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