1) ‘The Australian accent is non-rhotic.’  Not pronouncing the written letter "r" unless it is followed by a ___________ a) consonant b) vowel c) schwa d) /n/ 2) Australians tend to 'flap' the /t/ between vowels so that 'written' sounds like ... a) 'writtan' b) 'writtin' c) 'wridden' d) 'write-en' 3) What is a monophthong? a) A vowel is spoken with exactly one tone and one mouth position b) A consonant that is spoken with exactly one tone and one mouth position c) A sound formed by the combination of two vowels in a single syllable, in which the sound begins as one vowel and moves towards another (as in coin, loud, and side ). d) A syllabic speech sound pronounced without any stricture in the vocal tract. 4) How many monophthongs in Australian English? a) 20 b) 13 c) 8 d) 12 5) Diphthongs are present in many languages and are created when two vowels occur in a single ___________ a) word b) phrase c) syllable d) clause 6) In which of these words do we find a genuine diphthong? a) book b) suit c) beat d) boil 7) In Australian English the sounding of the word 'right' is quite different from American or British English. This is because of ____________ resonance a) nasal b) oral c) acoustic d) velar 8) What are the three kinds of Australian accent? a) Broad, cultivated, vernacular b) upper middle class, broad, standard c) General, broad, cultivated d) standard, educated, bogan 9) From which source of the Australian accent did H-dropping come, e.g. 'ere' for 'here'? a) The Scots b) London c) The Irish d) Aboriginal English e) Ethnocultural (migrant) varieties 10) Give the best definition. Phonetics is a branch of linguistics that studies how humans produce and perceive ... a) words b) written texts c) sounds d) syllables e) connected processes 11) Give the best definition. Phonology is the study of the sound system of ... a) languages b) a language c) English d) 44 sounds in Australian English 12) /ˈwʊdn/ is the phonetic transcription of which word? a) wooden b) woollen c) wounded d) wand 13) /ˈrʌnɪŋ/ is the phonetic transcription of which word? a) run b) ran c) running d) runs 14) /kɔɪn/ is the phonetic transcription of which word? a) cone b) can c) kin d) coin 15) A consonant produced by the what speech organ is called 'labial'? a) uvula b) lips c) vocal cords d) hard palate 16) When we say 'van' or 'fan', we place our upper ___________ on our ________ lips a) tongue, upper b) lips, lower c) teeth, lower d) palate, upper 17) We are 'voicing' when ... a) There is a blockage of outgoing airflow in the oral cavity b) We are producing the 's' sound c) The vocal cords vibrate d) The oral cavity is closed and air flows through the nose 18) In Australian English, elongation of _______________ can often reveal the degree of broadness in accent. a) utterances b) phonemes c) diphthongs d) digraphs 19) Assimilation occurs when a sound ... a) changes to become more likea neighbouring sound b) a vowel is reduced to a schwa c) a sound is deleted in connected speech d) sounds are added in connected speech 20) The degree of strength used to produce a syllable is called __________ a) tempo b) pitch c) intonation d) stress 21) What is most related to intonation? a) stress b) tempo c) pitch d) volume 22) Which of these is NOT a paralinguistic feature? a) eye gaze b) laughter c) loudness d) gestures 23) Phonological patterning: the occurrence of the same letter or sound at the beginning of adjacent or closely connected words is called ... a) alliteration b) onomatopeia c) rhythm d) rhyme 24) Which of the following is NOT a prosodic feature? a) volume b) accent c) tempo d) pitch 25) 'Tell the truth and just say it.' What two connected speech process can we hear? a) assimilation and elision b) elision and intrusion c) metathesis and insertion d) intrusion and assimilation

Quiz based on ELA H/W given on Fri 24.02.23





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