--- little - a little, --- good deal - a good deal, as --- result - as a result, at --- flash - at a flash, at --- time - at a time, in --- hurry - in a hurry, in --- low voice - in a low voice, in --- sense - in a sense, on ---diet - on a diet, to --- certain degree - to a certain degree, to do --- favour - to do a favour, to go for --- walk - to go for a walk, to make --- date - to make a date, to make ---speech - to make a speech, to make --- impression - to make an impression, to keep --- secret - to keep a secret, to play --- trick - to play a trick, to tell --- lie - to tell a lie, to tell --- lies - to tell lies, at --- seaside - at the seaside, in --- evening - in the evening, in --- distance - in the distance, on --- whole - on the whole, on --- other hand - on the other hand, --- other day - the other day, --- more ... --- better - the more ... the better, to do --- dishes - to do the dishes, to lay t--- table - to lay the table, to pass --- music - to pass the music, to play --- violin - to play the violin, to go by --- water - to go by water, to go --- shopping - to go shopping, to play --- chess - to play chess, to study history - to study history, to watch --- television - to watch television, from --- morning till --- night - from morning till night, in --- fact - in fact, on --- fire - on fire, to be in --- prison - to be in prison, at --- sunrise - at sunrise, at --- war - at war, at first --- sight - at first sight, by --- name - by name, --- day by --- day - day by day, for --- information - for information, from --- east to --- west - from east to west, to take --- care - to take care,

Употребление артиклей в устойчивых сoчетаниях mix 2






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