When you witness a racist attack, you should not just stand by and keep quiet., If you do so, the victim will not know you disapprove of the attack., They will get the impression that nobody is on their side and feel miserable., Silence is as bad as approval means that if you say nothing, you seem to agree with the bullies., Standing beside the victim and talking to them is better than doing nothing., In racist incidents, there is often an assumption that somebody else will report it., It is difficult to secure convictions, due to lack of evidence., You should film the incident if it is safe to do so., Then report it to the police or to hate crime reporting centres., The effects of an incident often kick in after the perpetrator has left the scene., So you should stick around with the victim and offer your help., You should tackle the culture of racism, spread and normalised by some politicians., It is also normalised by stuff shared in the media and on social networks on the web., You should stop this situation by calling it out., Racism is not always visible because it exists in our everyday structures., You can challenge racism by joining anti-racist campaigns and fighting for racial justice., You ought to be a good ally and not replicate systems of oppression., If we all look out for one another, the society will be better for everyone.,

5 ways to disrupt racism





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