A speech about a workplace issue - Everyone loves to feel comfortable and clothing plays an important role in this. However, there is an important distinction between the clothes we wear in private and those we wear to work…, A speech about your favourite place to relax - Imagine the peaceful sound of ocean waves, slowing crashing into the golden sand on a beach. The palm trees are slowly swaying and the sky is a beautiful bright blue…how do you feel?, A speech about your first love - True love is hard to find but very easy to lose. Unfortunately, this was true in my case as well…, A speech about how to prepare a traditional dish - Has anyone here experienced culture shock – that feeling where everything is unfamiliar in a new country? I found a solution to this problem by creating a little taste of home here in Australia…, A speech introducing  your country - How many of you have travelled abroad? Almost everyone! Just in case you’ve never been there before, I’d like to tell you all about…, A speech about a famous person - Everyone knows about the money, the drugs and the rock n roll lifestyle, but what you may not know about …… is…..,

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