Arteries: Transport blood from the heart to the organs, small lumen, The pressure of blood is very high, the wall is strong, thick, and elastic, Internal valves are absent, all ___ carry oxygenated blood except pulmonary ___, Found deeper within the body, Divide to form smaller arterioles, Veins: Transport blood from the organs to the heart, Internal valves are present, large lumen, The pressure of blood is very low, The wall is weak, thin and non-elastic, all ___ carry deoxygenated blood except pulmonary _____, superficial within the body, has venules, Capillaries: thinnest wall, Carries blood to organs where gas exchange occurs, very small lumen, The pressure of blood is low, link artery to veins, Outer and middle layers are absent, has only endothelium and basement membrane, Take away waste product,

Types of Blood Vessels





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