RELAXED - laid-back, someone without worries, ASHAMED - Embarrassed because you have done something wrong, CONFIDENT - Sure, certain, someone who believes in their own abilities and so does not feel nervous or frightened., DISAPPOINTED - Unhappy because something that you hoped for or expected did not happen., EMBARRASSED - Making you feel uncomfortable because you do not know what to say or do., EXCITED - Very happy and enthusiastic because something good is going to happen., GUILTY - Ashamed and sorry because you have done something wrong., JEALOUS - Unhappy because someone has something that you would like or can do something that you would like to do., PROUD - Feeling happy about your achievements., UPSET - Very sad, worried, or angry about something., AMAZED - Very surprised., ANNOYED - Feeling slightly angry or impatient, DEPRESSED - To feel very unhappy because of a difficult or unpleasant situation that you feel you cannot change., FRIGHTENED - feeling or showing fear, especially suddenly, PLEASED - Happy and satisfied, WORRIED - Unhappy because you are thinking about your problems or about bad things that could happen., GLAD - Happy and pleased about something., FED UP - Depressed or annoyed about something, SCARED - Frightened, or worried., ANGRY - Very annoyed.,





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