Anakin - The saddest betrayal of all., Kenobi - Handsome man, blue lightsaber., Qui-Gon - Stabbed in the tum-tum., Maul - One of the coolest Sith lords., Rey - Some dingus who somehow knew the force., Kylo - Very angry man with a red saber., Luke - Son of the chosen one., Grogu - Green, Jango - Original Bounty Hunter., Binks - Very annoying., Vader - The masked Sith., Palpatine - Arguably the most powerful of the Sith., Cody - Clone Commander, Rex - Clone Captain, Rebels - Iffy Star Wars show., Clone Wars - GOAT Show!, Rouge One - Star Wars Story., Dooku - The Count., Leia - The Princess, Greedo - Another green guy., Solo - The Hot Shot., Order - ...66, Stormtrooper - Can't aim.., Empire - Formal name for the Sith., Fin - Once apart of the First Order., Windu - PURPLE!, Grievous - Arms... Many., Inquisitor - Two, but also one., Clones - Disappeared after Order 66., Padme - The Queen and Senator,

Star Wars Crossword





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